
Decided at the SRS meeting in Kiruna, September 11, 2007

(Revised 2024-03-20)

Note that this text is an informal translation of the Swedish version of statues. The official version that applies is in Swedish.

Purpose and tasks 

SRS is an association of active researchers and technicians in Sweden with the task of working for a positive development of Swedish space research. The term space research shall here be given a broad interpretation and include scientific research using spacecraft as well as ground-based research in direct connection to the space-based. 

Through this association, SRS members shall be kept informed about important issues relating to Swedish space research and its planning and implementation. 

National SRS conferences shall give the members the opportunity to jointly discuss both the national and international space research programmes. At the conference, the research groups shall be able to present their future plans and report on experiments carried out and new scientific results. 

The work within SRS is coordinated by a panel that is elected by the announced annual meeting of SRS, which is normally held in connection with the national conference. 

The panel also constitutes the national COSPAR committee. 

SRS is expected to cooperate with the Swedish Space Agency, Swedish space companies, Space Forum and other actors active in or of importance to Swedish space research to exchange information on ongoing activities, future plans and needs. 

Rules of procedure 

Membership in SRS is open to everyone who is active in Swedish space research, i.e., researchers, PhD students and technicians from research groups in Sweden as well as representatives of the Swedish Space Agency and Swedish space companies. Membership beyond that requires a decision by the announced annual meeting. 

SRS has no finances of its own, and no membership fee. 

SRS is represented by a chairman who is elected by the annual meeting for a period of 3 years. The SRS chairman is also chairman of the panel, which is also elected by the annual meeting for a period of 3 years with the possibility of an extension of 1 or 2 years. The elections are conducted according to an election order decided by SRS. It is the SRS chairman’s responsibility to ensure that the election procedure is followed and that the necessary preparations for the elections are made. 

The panel must consist of a maximum of 10 people (incl. the chairman) and as a group it must be able to represent active space research disciplines. Change of space research disciplines represented by the panel requires a decision by the announced annual meeting. Representatives of the Swedish Space Agency must be constantly adjoined to the meetings of the panel and have the right to propose and comment. 

National SRS conferences shall normally be held once a year, and in the first place they shall be offered as physical meetings. 

The panel is expected to meet at least twice a year and in between maintain contact via e-mail. 

The panel is responsible for SRS’ website. The chairman is responsible for applying for funds for the operation of the website from the Swedish Space Agency, and for the funds to be managed by the administrative body decided on by the panel. The website can be used to inform members about important events and decisions. 

Decisions on changes to SRS statutes are taken at the regular annual meeting. 

Meeting order 

The chairman must convene a national conference of SRS in good time at least once per year. The chairman must also convene the annual meeting of SRS, which is normally held in connection with the national conference, no later than one week in advance. 

The panel must draw up a program for the national meetings, in harmony with SRS’ basic aims. The chairman should invite the members to propose agenda items. 

The location of the national conferences shall vary to reflect the geographical spread of space research and/or be located with regard to other, related gatherings. The time and place for the next conference must, if possible, be decided at an ordinary annual meeting. 

At the annual meeting, a meeting chairman and a meeting secretary are appointed; the meeting chairperson should normally be attached to the host institution. The meeting chairman, the SRS chairman and the secretary adjust the meeting minutes together, which are then made available to the members, for example via the SRS website. 

The SRS chairman calls the panel to meetings at least twice per year. At the request of one of the panel members or the Swedish Space Agency, additional meetings can be held. 

Election order 

An election committee consisting of three people, not all of the same sex, is appointed on a proposal from the panel, at the SRS meeting that precedes the annual meeting when new elections are to take place. A simple majority is required of those present at the meeting. Voting must be open and representatives of the Swedish Space Agency do not have voting rights. 

In its work of developing suggestions for a new chairman and committee, the election committee should obtain opinions from relevant Swedish space research disciplines and strive for an even gender distribution. In its work, the election committee must work to ensure that the committee has a long-term and well-thought-out composition that reflects SRS’ basic aims. 

The election committee’s proposal must be published at least one week before the current annual meeting. Decisions are made by simple majority in open voting of the SRS members (excluding representatives of the Swedish Space Agency) who are present at the annual meeting.